+1 615-867-3288
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1976 Junior Olympics weightlifting Champion silver medalist
1977 Presidential Fitness Award
1977 Penn Jersey Open Championship Champion
1978 Junior Olympics weightlifting Champion
1978 Middle Atlantic Region Athlete of The Year
1979 Olympic weightlifting Winter Championship
1979 Olympus Iron Classic Summer Championship
1979 Olympus Iron Classic Summer Championship weight class winner Body Building Championship
1979 Olympus Iron Classic Winter Championship
1979 Olympus Iron Classic Winter Championship weight class winner Body Building Championship
1979 YMCA Powerlifting Regional Champion
1979 Delaware Valley Power Press Championship and Best Lifter award
1980 National Champion and Best Lifter Award
1980 Lehigh Valley Power Lifting Championship and Best Lifter award
1980 H.S.C. Open Championship and Best Lifter award
1980 Gratersford Power Championship
1980 East Coast Weight lifting Championship
1981 Middle Atlantic Power Lifter of the Year
1981 National Collegiate Power Lifting Championship runner up
1981 Pennsylvania State Power Lifting Championship
1985 Bi-State Power Championship and Best Lifter Award
1986 Northern America Power Lifting Championship and Best Lifter Award
All Weight Lifting Championships were 1st Place awards except those that are listed.
These are some of the Championship Competative achievments.
Best Lifts were 206 kilo clean and jerk, 150 kilo snatch, 326 kilo squat, 336 kilo deadlift, 459 kilo half depth squat, 254.5 kilo bench press, and 184 kilo behind neck press.
Records still held 1981 National Collegiate Bench Press record at 110 kilos weight class 245 kilos or at 242 pounds lifted 540 pounds. Body weight 107 kilos 236 pounds. No support Bench Press shirts were used in lifts.
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